The "Orient", derived from the Latin word “oriens”, meaning “east” and referring to the rising sun, covers a geographical area from North Africa to the Near and Middle and extending as far as Central and South Asia. Influenced predominately by Islam, each region has its urban, rural and nomadic regional cultures, including non-Islamic minorities. All have unique features which have evolved historically.
The exhibition introduces you to the multifaceted world of the Orient. Centuries-old and contemporary art, objects reflecting deeply felt piety and even objects of everyday life hold many surprises. Radiant blue tiles, opulently carved house portals from Pakistan and an Indian garden pavilion of white marble all exemplify Oriental architecture. Splendid examples of ancient court art include an aquamanile in the form of a deer from Egypt, a plate from Iraq and exquisite Persian miniature paintings.
Works such as "Fumeé d´ambre gris" by the Moroccan-American photographer Lalla Essaydi and the collage "Mona Lisa" by the Iranian artist Aneh Mohammad Tatari provide insights into the exciting contemporary art scene.